Coming back to Qihua Primary School to coach Mindfulness with my mentor Michelle Ow to the upper primary students really brings back so many memories of my days when I was with Leadership Development Centre. I was at the school 12 years ago training Student leaders in the school with some of the LDC facilitators then. With my sunburnt face. Doing back to back camps and programmes for various companies. And I enjoyed doing it. Freelancing was my life then.
Back then I was not in hijab. I had the calling to start wearing only during the year 2010 while preparing to be a wife. With so much concerns, fear and uncertainties in my mind. Will I be able to adapt to the change? What should I wear with the kind of work that I’m doing especially the outdoors and training. Especially with regards to safety.
However, my affairs were made smooth with my intention to become a better muslimah and despite my shaky start with the hijab, By starting out with Buffs. It was all worthwhile. I got used to the heat and Alhamdulillah I’m still in the outdoor industry until Today. That was definitely a huge milestone for me. May He ease our affairs in any change that we decide to do to be a better person in this journey of life. What was Your Life changing moment?