I remembered having the conversation with a mentor of mine in the training industry, Michelle Ow 1 day before signing up for the MBWE Programme by Centre For Mindfulness. I knew that she already started her Mindfulness journey way before me. I was curious and somehow because of that curiosity, I decided to explore the MBWE Programme. At that moment, I was looking for an alternative to manage my messy, burnout life at that point of time. I only had less than 24 hours to decide.
In the middle of our conversation, I asked her this question: Is it Worth it? Besides that, hearing the word ‘Mindfulness’ I was skeptical especially if there is any religious element to it that might affect me being a Muslim. Being someone who enjoys learning and exploring new experiences I just had to experience for myself. I never knew that decision was a start to many opportunities that was to come. The beauty of the MBWE Programme is the experiential learning process of it. There was not many information being told to us before the programme started. I also believe in not knowing too much information and just to experience.
It was a whole new experience for me and I loved it. I was able to slow down and just be at that present moment. It was not a typical class with chairs and tables but throughout the 8 weeks, we were on yoga mats. The practices that we explored allowed me to notice my thoughts better and the discussions that we had on each of our experiences were full of insights. During the programme, we also had the Day of Mindfulness where we did back to back practices and just spending time with ourselves. The silent retreat allowed us to just be with with our body and be in the moment. After the 8 weeks I became a whole new person.

How So?
Better Awareness – I am now more aware of my Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions. My 5 senses enhanced and I was able to pause when things start to get overwhelming for me. The practices that I learnt allowed me to recover from my fatigue or negative thoughts faster. I am now able to respond better instead of reacting to situations which might cause me to regret usually when that happens.
Paying Attention to what works and The Positive – By paying attention to the good things in others and in life, I learn to be more grateful. I now feel optimistic and look at life in another perspective towards empowerment. As opportunities come along, I am able to pay attention better and decide if it is worth pursuing or if it is best to let go.
Acceptance – When I am more aware about the issues and the challenges, I am able to find its root cause and find effective solutions to solve them. I also learn to accept both the positive and negative thoughts and experiences as it is and feel more empathy and compassionate towards myself and others.
Despite practicing Mindfulness for about 2 years, I still do feel overwhelmed at times however, with the knowledge that I gained, I recovered faster especially my thought processes. I used to get agitated easily and worry too much which affected my wellbeing. Now, I learn to let go and focus on the present. When I focus on myself, my family will feel the energy as well. Now, bit by bit, I let my family explore Mindfulness and we learn to live Mindfully by making small changes in our lives. It will be a long-term process however it is definitely worth it.
The Mindfulness Journey changed my life and due to that, I felt that it could also impact many more people in the community. After certifying myself as a Certified Mindfulness Teacher, I have found a new purpose in life to help more people to enhance their wellbeing.

I am excited to feature blog articles of some of my MBWE Student Graduates as they share their perspective on how the MBWE Programme has benefitted them.
If you would like to find out more about the MBWE programme, do reach out to me and let’s connect! I would be happy to share with you more about my Mindfulness Journey and I belief you will benefit from it as well.
